
The things that will never make it in the baby books and other musings from a stay at home mom

Friday, February 04, 2005

A reason not to procreate again

During the long runny-nosed months of winter, I always keep a tissue for Evan in my left pocket and a tissue for Julia in my right pocket. I re-use them as needed throughout the day until they get too gross, at which point I replace them for clean ones and start the process over again (and again and again and again... I'm so done with this winter thing).

It occured to me today that I can't imagine where I'd stash a third tissue, and two in one pocket would result in some pretty nasty snot-swapping. If I was looking for a sign that I shouldn't have any more kids, I think I just found it -- right here in my pocket.


At 6:35 PM, Blogger Gina said...

Great idea, Rebecca. Never considered always keeping E's in my right pocket and Nin's in my left. Benedict's will go in one of my back pockets...and since I have two of those...
God, did I just say that?!

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Suburban Hippie said...

Hey, at least you use tissues. I have the most appalling habit, if I notice Sam or Matt's nose looking drippy, of reaching right out by reflex and wiping it with my fingers. And then realizing what I've done and hastily looking around, hand in midair, for a tissue to wipe it on.

At 7:31 PM, Blogger Kristy said...

My most convincing reason for not procreating again -- well, other than the fact my husband says NO! -- is the fact that I would have to buy a minivan. I just can't bring myself to do it! hee hee.

I have a suggestion. Your back pocket. In fact, if you go that route, you're free and clear for numbers three AND four!

At 7:32 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

In truth, Gretchen, that's why I devised the tissue pocket plan. I've used my hand (and even just wiped them off on my jeans -- eeew) too many times to count...


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